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    QRPLATFORM OFFICIAL White Paper '23 2023/02/05 1. APP iOS 2. APP Android 3. Engine v3 4. Token DAR 5. Exchange 6. Device 7. Blockchain QRDAR 8. Localization 9. QRPLATFORM '24
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    2024 QRDAR
    QRDAR универсальная дарственная платформа QRDAR маркировка собственности через дарственную QRDAR эволюция дарственного права  
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    QR DAR token is used for the internal loyalty of QRPlatform users: payment for membership in the project, support for materials (posts, pages, photos, videos and sites), transmission in personal messages (donations), payment for publications, gaining access to paid groups, booking tickets for events, new user invitations
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